STAT for U

Support Platform in Statistic and Data Science at UMONS

Institutional and transdisciplinary support in statistic and more globally in data science at UMONS for teaching, research and public service.

More about it...

Services in a nutshell


resources and experiences (methods, examples, technical notes, …)


in the choice and use of appropriate statistical techniques, in the correct interpretation and presentation of statistical results.


at all steps in the process: from the design plan to data analysis and results diffusion.


by proposing specific software and encouraging the use of OpenSource solutions…


users (scientific community and entreprises) to use statistic methods and software.


We are open to all your ideas.

Very soon ! Training “initiation to R Commander”

R Commander is an interface on top of the statistical software R that makes it much easier to use. STAT for U proposes a quick training to use it spread on three sessions during lunch time (e-learning in French), see here.

Why STAT for U?

Data are everywhere and always more abundant

In a numerical and connected world, data are everywhere! They are rich, abundant, full of useful informations. Statistic and data science are indispensable to deal with, analyse, interpret, valorise and present your data.

Processing its own data is not necessarily easy for everyone. Specialized statistical software, numerous data formats, good practices and legal aspects (General Data Protection Regulation in Europe) make it a specialist work, at least in the mind of many people. Yet, correctly guided and advised, you could do a lot by yourself. And if the work is too specialized, an expert in the domain could help you.

STAT for U is there to support you in your quest. No mather if you are part of the UMONS community (student, PhD candidate, post-doc, scientist, teacher or administrative officer) or not (business, administration, …), contact us and share your project with us. We will be happy to listen to you and to plan with you the support that best suits your needs.


STAT for U was funded in 2021 at the initiative of two professors at the University of Mons :

  • Kathy Huet, physicist, teaching research methodology, statistic and metrology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
  • Philippe Grosjean, bioengineer, teaching data science and marine ecology at the Faculty of Science

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